Harmony Road Music Courses
Toddler Tunes (ages 2 to 3 years old)
30 minutes weekly
A joyful first music experience. Tots and parents share in a music-making program of rhythms, finger plays, active movement games, keyboard exploration and singing.
Hello Melody (ages 3 - 3.5 )
A 16-week program, 45 minutes weekly.
Hello Music offers an introduction to solfege singing, movement,
rhythm, keyboard playing, and creative activities. This program gives
the child a strong readiness for continued musical involvement. Parents
share in class time.
Music in Me & More Music In Me (ages 3.5 - 5 )
Two 16-week programs, 45 minutes weekly
Music in Me is a dynamic readiness program for young children with emphasis on ear training, solfege singing, movement, keyboard activities, pitch and rhythm awareness. Creativity is stressed. Parent involvement in class and at home.
Musictime (ages 5 - 6 )

A 16-week program, 45 minutes weekly

Musictime offers an introduction to solfege singing, movement,

rhythm, keyboard playing, and creative activities. This program

gives the child a strong readiness for continued musical

involvement. Parents share in class time.
Harmony Road (ages 5 - 7)
A 2-year program, 60 minutes weekly (45 minutes for book1)
The Harmony Road course is carefully constructed for children to learn the basic building blocks of music. Emphasis is on ear training, solfege singing, keyboard playing, ensemble and rhythm activities, movement and music creativity. This exceptional course gives the student "inner hearing", which makes transposing, improvisation and composing easily accessible in their musical studies. Parent involvement in class and at home.
Young Musician Intro (ages 6 - 7 )
A 4-week program, 45 minutes weekly
Students learn beginning music concepts through singing, ear training, note reading, keyboard solo and ensemble playing, rhythm ensemble and creative activities. This
course provides a strong basis for further musical study. Parents
share in class time.
The Young Musician (ages 6 - 7)
A two-year program, 55 minutes weekly
(45 minutes for small group of 3 students)
The Young Musician course introduces beginning students to
keyboard performance and note reading in a holistic program,
including the organized development of pitch, rhythm, solfege
singing, keyboard and movement activities. Parent involvement
in class and at home.
Keyboard Prep Intro (ages 8 - 11)
A 4-week program, 45 minutes weekly
An exciting introduction to keyboard / piano playing. Sessions include ear training, solfege singing, note reading, composing, and solo and ensemble playing. Parents are involved.
Keyboard Prep (ages 8 - 11)
A 1.5-year program, 55 minutes weekly (45 minutes for small group of 3 students)
The Keyboard Prep course is designed for children ages 8 through 11 who are studying music for the first time. This motivating program develops the student's basic musicianship skills through ear training, solfege singing, keyboard performance and writing music. Parent involvement encouraged.
Keyboard Musician (advanced course)
A 2-year program, 55 minutes weekly
The Keyboard Musician course is for students who have completed Harmony Road Book 4, Young Musician Book 4 or Keyboard Prep Book 3. Students continue to develop performance skills
through the study of varied repertoire styles, technical studies,

sight-reading songs and three and four part ensembles. Ear trainings

expanded to include dictation, recognition of tonal centers and chord

progressions. Transposing becomes an easily accessible activity. Students

learn to accompany themselves while singing solfege. Two part singing and

artistic repertoire encourage expressive musicianship. Harmonic training

develops an understanding of accompaniment styles. Students are given

step by step techniques to develop their own creativity through music

composition. In this program students become acquainted with major

composers and their place in music history. Parent involvement encouraged.
Junior Music Camp (Summer : Ages 4 - 6)
Junior Music Camp provides an activity oriented musical experience for four to six year-olds. Camps meet two hours daily for one week. Each day a different theme is explored through music and craft activities. Focus themes include Teddy Bears, Dinosaurs, Carnival of Animals, Peter and the Wolf, and The Nutcracker.
Teen and Adult Piano
Piano Street (beginning level)
2-year programs, 55 minutes weekly
This program is a unique and comprehensive piano/keyboard course for older beginners and adults. It is designed to provide an enjoyable and functional approach for the student who would like to learn to play and make music in a recreational, supportive group setting. Students learn to read music, play by hear, write music, understand and use chords accompaniment styles and progressions, play solos and ensembles, and arrange their own music.
- Understand and apply chords
- Share in ensemble playing
Private Piano Lessons
Piano Lessons for Children
30, 45, or 60 minutes weekly
Individual instruction is available on a basis for all levels. For young beginner,
we will recommand to take two year group lessons. Private Lesson times are
arranged individually with the teacher and students.
Piano Lessons for Adults
30 or 45 minutes weekly
Lessons are offered on a weekly, bi-weekly or on a periodic consulting basis.
You may choose the type of music you want to learn. Each lesson is designed
according to your interests, skill level and abilities. Lessons cover the basics
including theory, fingering drills and performance skills. Lessons would be fun
and therapeutic in nature to enjoy music.